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Sir Sagramor: Squid League
Sir Sagramor
your teams helmet

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It's Easy to Play (Sample screenshots below)

Add, Drop and Swap to put together your best starting lineup
Sir Football starting roster

Survive Gameday: Keep an eye on the Elimination Watch to track survival
Squid League head to head matchup

Monitor your team's fantasy totals and hope to stay alive
Squid League scoring detail

How It's Scored

Squid League is Sir Football's variant of the popular guillotine league format. You won't be competing head-to-head with other teams. Instead, the name of the game is survival! You'll need to outscore your foes in order to stay alive and live to play another week.

How it works: In the first 6 weeks, no teams are eliminated. However, teams should try to score as many points as possible in order to earn bonus points to help stay alive in the coming weeks. To be exact, 4% of fantasy points earned in NFL weeks 1-6 are added to a bonus pool for each team.

Elimination then comes into the picture starting with NFL week 7. From here on out, the lowest scoring fantasy team each week is eliminated from contention. The losing fantasy team is dissolved and all of its rostered players are released and put on waivers for other "surviving" teams to claim.

For NFL weeks 7-10, each team's bonus points earned during weeks 1-6 is added to their weekly grand total to aid with survival. But for week 11 and going forward, bonus points are not used and teams must fight for survival based solely on their weekly grand totals.

The above cycle of elimination continues until week 17 when there are just two competitors remaining. Whichever of those two avoids elimination and scores more during week 17 is named the league champion.

Tiebreaker: In the event of a tie between two or more teams who have scored the lowest points for a given week after week 6 and are pending elimination, the team with the lowest season team point total is declared the loser and will be eliminated.

Sagramor Cup

Championship Prize:

The Sagramor Cup

Some may find the Sagramor Cup frightening, but Squid League victors who have survived elimination every week and have come out on top have the wits to tolerate its horror. Named after Sir Sagramor, who was not only a Knight of the Round Table but sometimes a antagonist warrior, this awards features a hooded menace with deadly claws,evil eyes and ghastly green color tones.

Squid League championship winners will relate to the fright factor of their talisman, knowing that they narrowly survived 11 weeks of fantasy elimination in order to come out the sole winner. If you are feeling brave, you're welcome to try joining them.

Hatchet Man

Why Play Squid League:


League Rules
Read the rules specific to this game mode.

League Size: 12 teams

Scoring Mode: Standard or Points Per Reception (PPR). Standard is the default.

League Structure:

Robo League Rules:


Draft Rules:

Roster Positions: 9 starters, 15 total

Additional Notes on Rosters:

Roster locks:


Deferred Replacement:

Scoring, Rounding and Tiebreakers:

number crunch

League Scoring
Read scoring rules applicable to this game mode.

Scoring (game mode modifiers may also apply):

All fantasy point totals, averages, caliber and ranks shown in Sir Football are based on half-PPR scoring.

Scoring for Offensive Skill Players
Passing Yards +1 point for every 25 yards
Passing TDs +4 points
Passing Interceptions Thrown -1 point
Reception (PPR Leagues Only) +1 point each
Rushing/Receiving Yards +1 point for every 10 yards
Rushing/Receiving TDs +6 points
Fumbles Lost to Opponent -2 points
Passing/Rushing/Receiving 2 Point Conversions +2 points
Scoring for Kickers
Field Goal Made (0-49 yards) +3 points
Field Goal Made (50+ yards) +5 points
Extra Point Made +1 point
Scoring for Defense and Special Teams
Fumble Recoveries (from opponent) +2 points
Interceptions +2 points
Sacks +1 point
Safeties +2 points
Defensive and Special Teams TDs +6 points
Total Points Allowed Formula: 12 - (Points Allowed * 0.5)